graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Monday 21 April 2014

How I spent my holiday | Happiest day on April

Friday, April 18th 2014

Hi guys. We had 3 days of holiday this week. So happy yet so sad. Because on Saturday I had to go to campus because there would be a packaging class. But that's okay, just let it be. I spent half of my day at home. I went out at 5:30 p.m because I would have a meet up with my high school friends at Plaza Senayan. Feel so excited and happy.

When I was on my way to Plaza Senayan, the sky was greeting me with its beautiful colour. It was such a good start for today's happiness.
No filter
When I was arrived at PS, my friends were waiting at Marutama Ramen.

I had half bowl of Marutama Ramen at Marutama Ramen Restaurant. Its topping is chicken. And it was sooooo delicious half bowl of happiness :-( plus accompanied by your sweethearts. After that we went to Momi and Toy's for having dessert.

We were telling each others college life's story, highschool moment nostalgic, laughing, and of course, taking photo was a must :-) My friends from Bandung were also coming, because of the long weekend.

Tell me if you can find me! :-)

Anis, Saly, Me

The complete team for today :-)
Some of my friends were already went home. We used Tongsis (in English = monopod) on this photo. Taking photo with Tongsis was fun because it's like taking a selfie but everyone could join.
Above: Fadila, Valerie, Selma, Lidya, Nisa, Ais, Sandhy
Below: Saly, Me, Astari, Dane (from ITB, Bandung)
Saly, Sandhy (came from ITB, Bandung), Me

High school was the best time of my life.
♥ Adia

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