graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Monday 7 April 2014

How I spent my holiday | Sweet sweet sweet Saturday..

Saturday, March 19th 2014

Today I accompanied my mom to her friend's parent 50 years anniversary. They have been together for a half century, isn't it sweet? They almost made me cry because of their over sweetness. Especially the part when they were showing the photos of their life. Start when they were married then having children, struggling in Jakarta, and finally having grandchildren. And many more sweet photos..

After that I went to Plaza Indonesia and had a late lunch there with my family. Feels so glad to be back with my family.

Minus my dad. He was the one who taking this photo.

Then, I went to aksara for searching some books about graphic design. Tada! I bought a really interesting yet educated book. It's "A Kidd's Guide To Graphic Design" by Chip Kidd. Actually the book is about basic things in graphic design like typography, concept, colour, etc. But Chip Kidd delivered the infos in a fun way. So it makes me feel interested!

What a sweet Saturday..

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