graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Monday 7 April 2014

No class for today :(

Tuesday, April 1st 2014

Sir Em is sick today :( so we don't have class for today. But I've made options of layout, concept of look and feel, example for look and feel, and the tagline :)


Concept, look and feel:

Example of look and feel:


Support them to produce a good quality of breast milk.
Support them for the 6-month exclusive breast milk.
Support the 6-month exclusive breast milk.

·      Do you want to make them happy?
o   Do you want her to be happy?
·      Do you want to make them more productive?
o   Do you want her productivity?
·      Do you want to make them more loyal?
o   Do you want her loyalty?

·      What if she is your wife?
·      What if she is your daughter?
·      What if she is your sister?

·      What if she can’t make her baby a better life?
·      What if she can’t make her baby cheerful?
·      What if she can’t make her baby healthy?

Pic of mother caring her baby, or saying goodbye to the baby
·      Do you know that she sacrifice her time?
·      Do you know that she sacrifice her energy?
·      Do you know that she sacrifice her mind?

Pic of not conducive facility: mini nursery room, not conducive chair, and no sink
·      Is this conducive?

Picture of adorable baby
·      Do you want me to laugh endlessly?
·      Is my smile touched your heart?
·      Did I have beautiful eyes?

·      Time won’t back
·      Chance won’t exist
·      Guilt stays forever

·      Coming soon: guilty pleasure
·      Coming soon: convicted pleasure
·      Coming soon: remorseful pleasure

Pic of adorable baby
·      Before it is too late

·      Do you know that babies who are having their exclusive breast milk have a faster motor development?
·      Do you know that babies who are having their exclusive breast milk are more resistant on diseases?
·      Do you know that babies who are having their exclusive breast milk are more bound to their mom

·      Warning, guilt stays forever.

Pic of mom saying goodbye
·      “Take care my sweet heart”
·      “Mommy loves you”
·      “Mommy will arrive soon my dear”

·      They sacrifice their time. |  What do you do for them?
·      They sacrifice their energy. |  What do you do for them?
·      They sacrifice their knowledge. |  What do you do for them?

·      “I never got mom’s breast milk because she is working”
·      “I feel so faraway with my mom”
·      “I often sick”

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