graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Thursday 10 April 2014

How I spent my holiday | High school sweethearts

Saturday, April 5th 2014

Hi guys, how was your weekend? I had a happy weekend! On Saturday, I met two of my high school sweethearts, Karina and Chicha. We planned to meet up at Grand Indonesia for attending the Market Museum. It's a thematic market for young entrepreneurs. All of the brands were came from Indonesia. The items were clothes, bracelet, shoes, bag, camera, iPhone case, book, and many more. They also provided some food and drink brands at the end of the route.
I found this super cute note book. The note book is about Jakarta. This is one of its series. There's also a Jakarta info-graphic inside the note book.

After going to the Market Museum, we went to Blitz Megaplex for capturing this meet-up-moment on photo box. Sadly, the photo box was gone :-( it replaced by 4-DX theatre. Thank God, it's not wasted. We entered Galeri Indonesia Kaya. Inside the gallery, we could learn more about Indonesia by using modern technology, such as touch screen TV, touch screen Pad, and there was a big tv that can capture us using a traditional clothes. So fun right? It would be more complete if you spent your time here with your lovelies. Am I sweet? :-P
What's inside! 
Me with Chicha.
Me and Karina.

Taking a selfie with Batik background 
Having fun together!

Done visiting Galeri Indonesia Kaya, and finally it's time to go home. And we planned another meet up.

Coming soon :-P

A well spent day. You guys made my day. Hope to see you guys really soon.
♥ Adia

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