graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Monday 21 April 2014

How I spent my holiday | Happiest day on April

Friday, April 18th 2014

Hi guys. We had 3 days of holiday this week. So happy yet so sad. Because on Saturday I had to go to campus because there would be a packaging class. But that's okay, just let it be. I spent half of my day at home. I went out at 5:30 p.m because I would have a meet up with my high school friends at Plaza Senayan. Feel so excited and happy.

When I was on my way to Plaza Senayan, the sky was greeting me with its beautiful colour. It was such a good start for today's happiness.
No filter
When I was arrived at PS, my friends were waiting at Marutama Ramen.

I had half bowl of Marutama Ramen at Marutama Ramen Restaurant. Its topping is chicken. And it was sooooo delicious half bowl of happiness :-( plus accompanied by your sweethearts. After that we went to Momi and Toy's for having dessert.

We were telling each others college life's story, highschool moment nostalgic, laughing, and of course, taking photo was a must :-) My friends from Bandung were also coming, because of the long weekend.

Tell me if you can find me! :-)

Anis, Saly, Me

The complete team for today :-)
Some of my friends were already went home. We used Tongsis (in English = monopod) on this photo. Taking photo with Tongsis was fun because it's like taking a selfie but everyone could join.
Above: Fadila, Valerie, Selma, Lidya, Nisa, Ais, Sandhy
Below: Saly, Me, Astari, Dane (from ITB, Bandung)
Saly, Sandhy (came from ITB, Bandung), Me

High school was the best time of my life.
♥ Adia

Thursday 10 April 2014

How I spent my holiday | Newbie participant :3

Wednesday, April 9th 2014

The time has arrived! April 9th 2014 was the time for legislative election in Indonesia. And today should be a special day for me. Because it's my first time on participating the election. I've got my KTP on December, I guess.. It means I could participating on the election. I'm a newbie :-3 Thank God! The TPS was not far from my house. I just only have to walk. And arrived there..

(hashtag) #mainstream-photo-of-the-day

On 11 a.m, I have to meet with my friends, Chicha and Karina for watching The Raid 2 on Pondok Indah Mall. So I went there. We also invited Dhira and Irien to join us but Dhira was having her time with her family while Irien was still busy in TPS (since her father is the head of RW). We decided to have lunch on Sushi Tei. But too bad, only me and Chicha who were having lunch there. Unexpectedly, Karina was spending her time by swimming before meeting up with us. That explained why Karina didn't reply our message directly and didn't come on time. After done eating, Karina finally arrived.

We went to the cinema then. And it's surprised me! PIM XXI was insanely sick!!! Soo crowded. I almost canceled this plan :-( but Chicha and Karina helped me to check if there was still any available seat. And yes! There was still many available seats :-) And another good news was Irien could join us!
When I was queuing.

Actually I felt a bit scared. Because the first one was really sadist. But my curiosity was bigger than my fear. Many people said that The Raid 2 is a-have-to-watch movie. So, yes, I watched it.
Waiting for the movie!

*was watching*

I just.. can't.. resist.. the Raid 2.. epic-ness.. Oh my Gosh it's just.. Super cool. Maybe you guys think that I'm a bit excessive. But you really have to watch it! The plot was not expectable, and they didn't tell everything at the beginning. They let us walk and following the story. Epic. The cinematography was also great. The way the cameramen shot the image was adding plus point.

I just love it very much. Best movie in 2014 that I've ever seen.
♥ Adia

How I spent my holiday | High school sweethearts

Saturday, April 5th 2014

Hi guys, how was your weekend? I had a happy weekend! On Saturday, I met two of my high school sweethearts, Karina and Chicha. We planned to meet up at Grand Indonesia for attending the Market Museum. It's a thematic market for young entrepreneurs. All of the brands were came from Indonesia. The items were clothes, bracelet, shoes, bag, camera, iPhone case, book, and many more. They also provided some food and drink brands at the end of the route.
I found this super cute note book. The note book is about Jakarta. This is one of its series. There's also a Jakarta info-graphic inside the note book.

After going to the Market Museum, we went to Blitz Megaplex for capturing this meet-up-moment on photo box. Sadly, the photo box was gone :-( it replaced by 4-DX theatre. Thank God, it's not wasted. We entered Galeri Indonesia Kaya. Inside the gallery, we could learn more about Indonesia by using modern technology, such as touch screen TV, touch screen Pad, and there was a big tv that can capture us using a traditional clothes. So fun right? It would be more complete if you spent your time here with your lovelies. Am I sweet? :-P
What's inside! 
Me with Chicha.
Me and Karina.

Taking a selfie with Batik background 
Having fun together!

Done visiting Galeri Indonesia Kaya, and finally it's time to go home. And we planned another meet up.

Coming soon :-P

A well spent day. You guys made my day. Hope to see you guys really soon.
♥ Adia

Label for the Product

We started to plan what will the box looks like and what should I do. 

We also made some options for the label:

 And for another option, we decorated the label with art deco pattern :-)

 Trying to be minimalist:

What if using the logo?

And for the sleeve, we made some options:

Product, Name, and Logo

Ohya! I forgot to introduce my group. We are NOIR! The members are Me, Yasmin, Marilda, and Damaz.

So, our product is Men's and Women's Grooming Set. The next thing to do is..

List up the products
We have some list of products for the grooming set
  • Soap
  • Nail clipper
  • Comb
  • Parfume
  • Tweezer
  • Bobby pin
  • Hair tie
  • Fan? (I'm not sure that's the english of Kipas?)
  • Oil paper
  • Nail file
  • Mirror
  • Hairnet
  • Hand cream
  • Lip balm
  • Comb
  • Deodorant
  • Bow-tie
  • Belt
  • Pomade
  • Suspender
  • Razor
  • Shaving cream
  • Pen
  • Lighter
  • Mirror

red is the one that has been chosen 

Deciding the name of our product
We picked up the names from French language because it is the place of fashion. And we picked Noir that's identical to the Art Deco era which came from French. 
  • Grooming: Lepansage
  • Kit: Trousse, Vétir
  • Prepare: Préparer
  • Easy: Facile
  • Urgent: Impérieux
  • Beauty: Beau
  • Makeup: 
  • Neat: Ingénieux, Soigné
  • Klimis: Lisse
  • All: Tout
  • Vintage: De cru
  • Elit: Élite
  • Person: Personne
  • Guide: Manuel
  • Out: Dehors
  • Shine: Éclat
  • Glamour: Charme
  • City: Ville
  • Fine: Délicat, Délié
  • Care: Soins
  • Perfect: Parfait
  • Era: Ére

Logo sketching




Because the logo is still not fit in our concept, we decided to made another one. Inspired by Queen and King poker card:

We started to make the digital version of it!

Digitalised and the Typeface
This is our first logo options

Options of typeface

Finally we chose 3 of the typefaces. And we had a polling. 5 of our friends chose the left one, 4 the middle one. But our group chose the last one because we think it has a universal target market. Boys and girls could accept this. The first one we didn't really sure. It doesn't convince us. Because we think that it only fin on the girls and not straight forward. The last one is more simple and straight forward. The middle one isn't really elegant because of its leg (is it right?).

Working on the man! 
This one is the best from others.

And for the woman, we started to sketch some ideas and styles:

Then we digitalised it!

Next, we combined the man and the woman!

We feel that this logo is not straight forward and too complicated. Many elements shown on this logo. And looks like not elegant. Whereas our aim is to make an elegant logo. Then we reduced some elements there and make it simpler :-)

We combined every thing (logogram and typeface) and adjust the kerning and leading :-)

Finally.. Done with our logo :-)