graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Tuesday 13 August 2013

TIME Magazine (QC for making a magazine cover)

Monday, July 29th 2013

today we only have a qc for making a TIME magazine cover about ourself. First, we starting to make a mind map about "Me". Haha and sir Angga gave us a tips if we were confuse, start to ask ourself with a simple question, "what kind of food am I?" "what kind of colour am I?" like that. Me and Berta starting to search some quiz on the internet HAHA "personality quiz".

so I've a conclusion that I am a cheerful, happy, and fun person. so I will use bright colour.

then we starting to search an unusual things for our cover. so we will make our magazine's cover using unusual thing. I captured some inspirations from this book:

I like this, this one is so creative. From the unexpected thing can create a unique accesorise. 

The book

What i like about the designers works are they can use the opportunities well. They use the un-useful things become something more expensive and more valueable.

Here are some paper techniques 

and this video:

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