graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Tuesday 13 August 2013

"draw the fruits (+the towel..............)"

Monday, 22nd July 2013

yay today we start to draw the fruits (+the towel...........)!! no more "the black and white picture" say hello to the colourrrsss!!! today we started to draw with crayon. this crayon is awesome!!!! but quiet expensive..... you can mix the colour with your hand (it feels like using charcoal).

1. i start to draw the fruits (+the towel............) with my point of view. draw with pencil first, but do not draw to thick!

2. start to colour it using the crayon! colour it from the brightest colour so i choose to colour the banana first then the melon, mango, avocado, apple, the jar, and..........the towel!!! the hardest part >___<

3. make the dark and the bright side

4. Tadaaa

and the homework is, you have to draw the same thing with the diffrent point of view and different colouring tools... (I used water colour) and tadaaa!
My second point of view

To make it more expressive, i gave the swoosh effect around my paint.


1. Done your work first
2. Pick a white colour
3. Then..

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