graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Tuesday 13 August 2013

Getting Closer to Typography

Tuesday, July 23rd 2013

today I was late. hu hu. because of the traffic in Semanggi!!!!!

ms Uma asked us to search the definition of some typographies theory like ascender & descender, serif, sans serif, x height, typeface classifications, 3 basic type measurements, wordspacing, leading, type arrangement, and draw & define column, row, gutter, and margin.

we also have to presented our typography vernaculars to our friends using power point. from A-Z. then, we're asked to print them on A3 paper.

then we're having a research of some typefaces, such as Helvetica, Baskerville, and Garamond. after that we make some postcard sketches. next we decide 1 sketch from 5. then we make it on the tracing paper.

after that, ms uma was giving us a homework. it's about research and presentation on assigned typographers (5) from "Meggs' History of Graphic Design" book and search 3 of their works. submit it on ppt.

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