graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Monday 26 August 2013


Monday, August 19th 2013

It's our first day after lebaran holiday. Well hello guys hope you enjoy your holiday :) :) 

minal aidin wal faizin, may Allah forgive our mistakes and we will be a better person,  Amin.

Today sir Angga asked us how is our project and ideas about our TIME Magazine cover. Well I have some ideas here is it:

Sir Angga loves my fourth idea. The rubik one. So I'll make my face on rubik but it not well structured. For example my eyes are on the bottom of the rubik and my nose is on the top of the rubik. It's my philosophy. Anyone who meet me at the first time won't know the real me. Only my nearest person who knows me so well and only some person who can solve my riddle. Like a rubik, only some person can solve it. If you're trying to solve rubik by learning and getting closer to the rubik, you will solve it. 

Another ideas

Then sir Angga said that I've make another option for the rubik (for homework) and search the materials, well i made this:

After that we were introduced with a new thing: CARICATURE!!!!

What is caricature?

We have to find the uniqueness of someone then we can make that part looks big. For example Tukul. Tukul's identity is on his mouth. So make it big. Then people can easily realized and say "that is Tukul!"

Some of tukul caricature on the internet:

There are 6 basic shapes of people's face:

Then i made 2 caricatures of my friends, Berta and Ezy


Try this!! It's fun :)

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