graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Tuesday 13 August 2013

Go to The National Museum?

Monday, July 15th 2013

WE'RE GOING TO THE MUSEUM!!! (yay!!! or nay?)

but it's a bit cheesy..

because our plan for today was go to the national museum but it was CLOSED because it's MONDAY. oh gosh I suddenly realized museums were closed on Monday. FYI, I've ever in this situation when I was on my SHS, me and my friends were going to the museum for history assignment. but it was closed. and the one who works on the museum tell us that every monday museum were closed because it has to be cleaned.

Sooooo we decided to go to Kota Tua! and sir Angga asked us to draw minimum 10 things on Kota Tua, choose one of your thing to be drawn in one page.

here is mine ^_^

Some photos from kota tua:

Fatahilah museum

Old cars. You can take a picture with them and printed by paying Rp. 20.000

Cute Onthel Bicycle for rent

Souvenirs shop

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