graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Tuesday 13 August 2013

Exit Through The Gift Shop

Tuesday, July 9th 2013

Today we're going to watch the movieee! Now is about the street artist. The movie titled "Exit Through The Gift Shop". 

We have to make a report and opinion about that movie in A4 paper, Helvetica Light, 8 pts, Leading 10,2 pts, minimal 1/2 page, maximum 1 page.

Here's my sketch:

and here's my report:

Exit Through The Gift Shop

                  “Exit Through The Gift Shop” is a documentary film by Thierry Guetta. A man from no one becomes someone. Taking video is his passion. He loved to record every moment on his family. He has so many videotape because he love to take video everyday. His wife said that Thierry prefer taking video than taking photo. He also becomes attracted to the street artists (and also curious of them). And he always takes a video of them. Start from how to make some graffiti and stick them up in the middle of the night, how to survive from the police officers, what are their activity, and many more. He met such great street artists. From Andre, Shepard Fairey, Seizer, Space invader, until he finally met the master and the most wanted street artist, Banksy. But after taking so much videos of them, he was inspired by them and start to try some graffiti and art until he become more successful than all of them.
                  For me, the film is inspiring. Only from talking and seeing what did the experts do, we can learn many things and we can pass far away beyond them. The film tells us how passion causes an amazing effect to our self. I think if we do well our passion, it can changed you into someone.
                  I also got some positive lessons from the film. First, don’t give up until you get what you want. Always fight for it, and act actively (not passively). Do some acts. Keep trying and again, never give up. Just like Thierry do, he will never stop until he found Banksy. From Los Angels until Paris, also England. He leaves his family just for paying his curiosity about street artists.
                  Second, be crazy, do not afraid. Like the street artists do, climbing the roof, move from other building to the other one. They do this because they want to find the best spot for their creation. So it can attracts people attention and makes people curious of it.
                  Third, you must do something total. If we do something total, we will never being disappointed by the result. So never do something only 50%, the result is only 50%, and you need 100% to see the perfect result.
                  Last, be different. Difference can attracts attention. Like Thierry did. He makes a pop art painting. He also makes a super big monster from televisions. Or Banksy did. He rent an elephant and paint on it. Well, people got attention to that. And people remember.
                  In typography side, graffiti looks sporty and match to the teenager. Graffiti is more identic to boys because girls prefer something tidy and cute. Graffiti looks messy. For me messy means naughty.
                  My solution, the street artists must have a confession and facilities. So they will feel safe. No need to be insecure in the middle of the night. Police officers said that street artist is always wrong. I know. It breaks the rule. It also makes the city facilities looks bad. It’s just because they didn’t have the right place to create their creation. So they keep going on. Many of street artists who have a big talent must be exposed. So the world can see them.
                  Art is never wrong. Street art is not wrong. Everybody have their own world, they own passion. We couldn’t prohibit them to stop. Because it is their world. Again, actually, they only need a facility.

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