graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Tuesday 13 August 2013

Book of Adia

Friday, August 2nd 2013

todaaaaay is the last daaaaaay~~~~~!!! say YAAAAY to HOLIDAAAY!!!!

today we only decide what type of the pamphlet stitch that we will make for "a book of me". then having some sketches about inside the book, how to make, etc.

And after the looong holiday here's my book

I used tunnel book method for the cover:

There are 3 parts.

And i used stab binding method for the book. The materials are:
Photos, thread, needle, carton paper (for the cover), blank paper (for the filling), marker, coloring pencil, scissors, glue

The steps

Stab binding

What's inside!!!

And tadaaa here's the book :)


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