graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Monday 26 August 2013

Drawing Techniques (week 8, 9, 10)

Week 8: Monday, August 26th 2013

Today I learnt something new... It's Adobe Illustrator!!! Sir Angga taught us how to trace the word "TIME" on TIME magazine cover. But before that he asked me about the concept of my TIME Magazine. So this is the fixed concept:

Then I was searching some inspirations for the rubik, headline, and the magazine cover

After that we learnt about how to trace the word TIME from TIME Magazine using Adobe Illustrator.

Week 9: monday, september 2nd 2013

Today was quiet not productive because i didn't bring the material. So today, i only  decide what materials needed and the picture of mine. For me, i think i am a cheerful person HAHA so i posed like a happy people. But sir angga helps me to edit my photo on adobe photoshop then print it. 

But the bad wifi was wasting my time!!!! Cause i have to send the edited pic to the library then print it but the file's size way to big (around 25-40mb each photo) so today i only print it without tracing the photo. :( :( 

Week 10: monday, september 9th 2013

Today i've changed my mind to change my photo into normal photo (not the rubik one). Because i think its way too complicated that may confusing people.

Materials needed:
• shell
• sand
• colourful flowers
• leaf

Why i choose that materials?? Because things there are my favourite things! Hehe i love flowers, beach, and nature. It also my dream to visit that kind of places. It also represent me, i am a relax person HE HE. Why i choose the bright colours? Because i thing i am a cheerful person, i love being happy, and my friend thinks that i always smiling.

First of all, i have to buy the materials.
This store the aquarium store, Tirta Kumala. Its located in Jl. Margoda Raya, Depok. This is a place that i was bought the shell and the sand:

@Rp. 5.000

Then i picked a bunch of frangipani flower in front of my house and some leafs on my grandma's house

Frangipani tree in front of my house (the right one)

Then i bought 3 kind of flowers (that also has the different colour) in Tebet near SMAN 26. 

HAHA at the first time, the Mas-Mas gave me a price @Rp. 15.000 but in the end after the "tawar menawar" process, i got @Rp. 10.000 ;-p so I only pay Rp. 30.000 for 3 bundles of flower


The materials

Then i had some experiments with my nü friendssss, they are:
• flowers


• leaves

After having the experiments, i started to put the meterials on their position:

I use a2 paper because it's easier to make the poster on the big paper. I started to draw the sketch.

I decided to start making the flower part first, because it can be withered.

Tadaaaaa! HE HE done ;-) the next step is making my portrait by using the grid method. Wish me luck, will be posting soon!!!


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