graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Sunday 23 March 2014

The Slogan

Tuesday, March 11th 2014

Slogan are:
·      Short, often memorable phrases used in advertising campaigns to reinforce the audience’s memory of a brand or a product.
·      Slogan will also sum up the tone and premise of a brand or product.

“…should be a statement of such merit about a product or service that it is worthy of continuous repetition in advertising. Is worthwhile for the public to remember, and is phrased in such a way that the public is likely to remember it.” — Creative Advertising, Charles L. Whittier

Slogan, headline, and body copy
Are text based, the person who is skilled in making those is called copywriter.

A slogan should at least be:
1.   Be memorable
2.   Recall the brand name
3.   Include a key benefit
4.   Differentiate the brand
5.   Impart positive feeling for the brand
6.   Reflect the brand’s personality
7.   Be strategic
8.   Be campaignable
9.   Be competitive
10.                 Be original
11.                 Bi simple
12.                 Be neat
13.                 Be believable
14.                 Help in ordering the brand
For example, Indomie: Seleraku.

A slogan shouldn’t
1.   Be in current use by others
2.   Be bland, generic or hackneyed
3.   Prompt a sarcastic or negative response
4.   Be pretentious?
5.   Be negative
6.   Be corporate waffle
7.   Make you say “So what?” or “Ho-hum”
8.   Make you say “Oh yeah??”
9.   Be meaningless
10.                 Be complicated or clumsy

Slogan’s nomenclature
-       Tagline, tag line, or tags are American terms
-       In the UK they are called end lines, endlines, or straplines.
-       In Belgium they are called baselines
-       In France they are signatures
-       In Germany they are claims
-       In the Netherlands and Italy, they are pay offs or pay-offs

Samples of memorable slogan:
1.   Got Milk? (US, 1993)
2.   Have it your way (US, 2002)
3.   The happiest place on earth (US, 1960s)
4.   Think different (US 1997-2002)
5.   Finger-lickin’ good (US, 1952)
6.   Because I’m worth it (US, 1960s)
7.   Melts in your mouth, not in your hands. (US, 1954)
8.   Just do it. (1988)
9.   Connecting People (1990s)
10.                 Yes We Can! (US, 2008)
11.                 Jagonya Ayam..!!
12.                 Ahlinya Teh.
13.                 Asyiknya, Rame-rame!
14.                 Rajanya Diesel!
15.                 Rajanya Pompa Air (2000)
16.                 Membersihkan Paling Besih
17.                 Jangkauan Luas
18.                 Setia Setiap Saat


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