graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Monday 10 March 2014

How to make PSA

Tuesday, 4 March 2014


·      Issue: many unemployment.
·      Objective: how to provide jobs.
·      5W1H
o   Who: target audience
o   What: summary of 2 things (issue and objective)
o   Why: why you want to make that poster (from personal pov or something that you can relate)
o   When: when will the poster to be implemented. For example tap water when “Water Day”
o   Where: where will you put that poster?
o   How: technically, how’s the strategy to make others interested (for example by using a clothes, sharing some spreads on the par, etc.)
* Demographic (depends on the target audience)
·      Budgeting (production cost)
o   Photo
§  Free, from the internet, source: ________, 150-300ppi
§  If you want to buy, where is the good source to buy photo.
§  The paper (type, price, etc.)
§  Emboss (how’s the price?, where?)
o   Goody bag
§  Paper? Canvas? Etc.
§  Where to buy? Price?
o   Etc.

·      Visually has to be attractive, expressive, and interesting.
·      Attract the attention in short time, after seen the poster, it has influencing the audience.
·      A.I.D.A (5 second poster golden rule)
o   Attention
o   Interest: curiosity
o   Desire: knowing the event and asking for some details. For example like “When is the even to be held?” “Where?”
o   Action
·      Analogy helps :)

Issue           : drunk and driving.
Objective     : to prevent people from driving under influence of alcohol.
Who    : people who like to drink at bar or pub.
What  : car accident usual happen by people who drinks too much.
Why     : to prevent car accident caused by drunk driving.
When  : at night, pub days, holidays, weekend.
Where : pub or bar
How   : actor pretended to be a drunk valet à do you want drunk people to drive your car? (even if it’s you)

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