graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Tuesday 18 March 2014

Letterpress Printing

Thurssday, 6 March 2014

After attending on the comping workshop, we went to Kelapa Gading for take a look at the traditional letterpress machine. So tara! Here's the letterpress machine:

And for the ink, they still using manual technique which they have to mix the ink by themselves. Only 4 colours needed for the ink such as white, yellow, red, and blue.

Me mixing the colour

Table for mixing the ink.
After done with mixing the ink, we have to separate the ink.

One of the result of letterpress printing:

And I try to make my own card :)

I tried the machine!! :-D

The result:

Second element for the card:

I was amazed when I do this, the result is cool!

Final result:

We also went to the working place of Sopha Company

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