graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Monday 10 March 2014

Good and Bad Poster

There are several posters around us. One of the media that we usually meet poster is magazine. Not all of posters has a good choice of typeface, good hierarchy, and good layout. Here some example of good and bad poster:

 Why? First, because I think they use too much colour. It's not effective because there is no focal point. And I think there's no hierarchy on that poster. That poster also giving too much information. For me, actually the selection of the typeface is good but sadly the creator of this poster can't make it into one good poster :(

When I see this poster, first thing that crossing my mind is, this poster is using too much text. I personally not interested to read this poster.

This one also used too many words. What makes people interested to see this event when it's too much words, too full, and there are several kind of typeface. The hierarchy also bad, it's like what's the first thing that the creator want to show. the "Jurnalis Award 2012" or "Ajang Penghargaan Jurnalistik..." The position is too far away..

Again, too much words inserted. There's also many kind of typeface used. It's like there's no target market. It used sans serif at the first time but on the "Datascrip" column, they use serif typeface.

This one is better than 4 posters above. But still.. too much words. And when I see this poster, first thing that attract my eyes is the "" column. Not about the main topic — language canada. Actually it makes people don't get it, what's language canada. Too much offer given.

The hierarchy is obvious. Firstly you will read "The X Factor" because it has the biggest font size. Also supported by the image (because the size is big, so it's dominant).

This one also good because this poster makes me curious what is this. Why there's 2 different size of image. It's really makes people curious and want to know the meaning of this poster. The image is dominant and clear (there is no distraction around the image). 

This poster has a good hierarchy and still looks nice even though it has many description. It's only using one typeface but looks simply nice. The colour also not too much. 

I like this poster especially the image. The selection of the image is good, it represent Indonesia. It also being supported by the selection of typeface. It feels traditional. It likes old javanese typeface. The colour used also not too much especially the typeface. By only using 2 colours, black and white, it still looks really nice and neat right?

This poster also makes people curious about it. And asking on themselves. Why the picture is someone's mouth? Hmm I think they're using analogy. and It also has a good hierarchy. 

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