graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Sunday 23 March 2014

Sentence and Paragraph

Tuesday, March 11th 2014

1.   Word
-       Finally,
-       First (Second, Third, etc.)
-       Meanwhile,
-       Later,
-       Next,
-       Now,
-       Soon,
-       Then,
2.   Phrases
-       At last
-       At 12:00
-       After a while,
-       After than,
-       Before beginning the lesson
-       In the morning
-       The next day,

A clause is a group of words that contains at least one subject and one verb.
Example: Anna left the party early
-       Type of clauses
1.   Independent/main clause
o   Can be a sentence by itself
o   Simple sentence
o   Every sentence contains at least one main clause
o   An independent clause may form part of a complex sentence, but also makes sense on its own
o   Example: Anna left the party early
2.   Dependent/subordinate
o   Cannot be a sentence by itself because its meaning is not complete
o   It depends on something else to complete its meaning
o   Depends on a main clause for its meaning. Together with a main clause, a dependent clause forms part of a complex sentence
o   Example: Anna left the party [independent clause], because she was tired [dependent clause]
o   Exampe: .....Because she was tired | .....While you count to 10.

1.   Simple Sentence
2.   Compound Sentence
3.   Complex Sentence
4.   Compound–complex Sentence
Sentence is a group of words that contains:
-       At least 1 subject and 1 verb
-       Expresses a complete thought

Filmmaker George Lucas has changed the film industry in many ways
U : Subject
Italic : Verb
-       The subject tells who or what did something
-       The verb tells the action (jump, work, or think) or condition (was, seem, appear)
Note: Subject & Verb – 1 pair

-       A compound sentence is composed of at least 2 simple sentences joined by comma and coordinating conjunction.
-       Has its own formula:
o   The Gold disappeared with the mice, the greedy man got not nothing
-       Coordinating conjunction
o   And ­– alike
o   But – opposites
o   So – result of first sentence
o   Or – choices or alternatives
o   For
o   Nor
o   Yet

-       A combination of one independent clause and one (or more) dependent clause.
-       Structure
o   The clauses can be in order, however the punctuation will be different.
o   Example:
Anna left the party early because she was tired. (no ,)
Because she was tired, Anna left the party early.
-       Rule
o   When dependent clause comes first in the sentence, separate the clauses with a comma.
o   When the independent clause comes first, do not separate them.

-       A dependent clause always begins with a subordinator
-       Example:
Because she was tired, Anna left the party early.
Before you apply to college, you have to take an entrance.
-       Linking words that are used to join clauses together
1.   Time
Tells when something happens.
2.   Reason
Why something happens.
3.   Place
Where something happens.
-       Time subordinators
o   After
o   As*
o   As soon as
o   Before
o   Since
o   Until
o   When
o   Whenever
o   While
-       Reason subordinators
o   Because
o   Since
o   As*
-       Place subordinators
o   Where
o   Whenever


It is a paragraph which you either compare something, contrast something or both.
Comparison – similarities
Contrast – differences

-       Research paper
-       Decision making
-       Test or exam papers

1.   First identify similarities and differences
2.   Find a topic that you like to explore
-       Emphasize more on similarities or differences?
-       If you have 2 or more? Choose which one has more points
3.   Organize

-       Ideas/point of view must be organized well in paragraph form.
-       Therefore:
1.   Block arrangement of ideas
2.   Point by point arrangement of ideas

Group all the similarities together in one block and all differences together in one block.
-       All similarities
-       All differences

Lars Ulrich vs. Mike Portnoy
         Lars Ulrich, the drummer for Metallica, and Mike Portnoy, the drummer for Dream Theatre, share some common similarities, and some great differences in their playing style and kit setup. Both, Lars and Mike play Tama drums, with full maple shells. Remo heads provide the resonance for both Mike and Lars. Both drummers play the majority of their songs with a driving bass line, coming from the bass drums. When given the chance to solo, both drummers can produce some amazing sounding beats. They take the cymbals and mix them together in a rather simple sounding way, with unparalleled rhythm.
         However, even though they both play Tama drums, Lars uses a more traditional “metal” duble bass drum setup, and Mike plays a much larger triple bass drum kit. Mike also incorporates some things into his kit that Lars does not. Mike brings a lot more percussion elements than drums, such as granite blocks, a cowbell, chimes, and a gong.
While there are some similarities and differences between the two, both can be considered masters of their craft and posses amazing speed and control behind the kit.

-       You write about similarities and differences by subtopic.
-       Note: if you have a lot to say, write a paragraph for each one.
-       Example
If you are comparing and contrasting several wireless telephone plans then compare and contrast them on these subtopics.
o   Cost of telephone (similarities and differences)
o   Length of contract (similarities and differences)
o   Reliability of service (similarities and differences)
-       Steps
1.   Introduction: get your reader’s attention and state your purpose which is to discuss three differences/similarities between your topic
2.   The first difference/similarities between your subjects
3.   The second difference/similarities between your subjects
4.   The third difference/similarities between your subjects
5.   Conclusion: summarize your ideas and leave the reader with a good impression

My Dogs
         Although I raised Marcee and Obbie from puppies, they have completely diverse personalities. Obbie is a six year old, male, toy Pomeranian whereas Marcee is a one year old female, Boston carrier. Obbie is small and soft, unlike Marcee who has bristly hair and is much bigger. Marcee insists on sleeping on the bed, under the covers every night. On the other hand, Obbie will only sleep on the floor, under the bed. Obbie is tremendously loyal and uptight, however, Marcee is hyper and friendly to anyone she meets or sees. Around other dogs, Marcee cowers to the larger dog, yet Obbie will always stand his ground, never giving up until he is scolded. Given that they were both treated the same way all their life, it is hard to believe that they are so different in everything they do.

In class assignment
Technology genius: Bill Gates and Steve Jobs
Research about Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Then make a compare/contrast paragraph using one form the two arrangement

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