graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Friday 13 September 2013

Wealth Expo 2013

Friday, september 13th 2013

Today me and my mom to the Wealth Expo 2013 that held in Kota Kasablanka 3rd floor. Many of the motivators participate and motivating us like Adam Khoo, Merry Riana, Chris Gardner (the inspiration for the film "Pursuit of Happiness"), and many more. 

Waiting the gate to be opened 
Yay it's oppened!!
The stage
Loving the lights and the colours.
Inspirational people

It was a great opportunity to learn from the experts and to be there!! I learnt something new about when is the good time to buy or sell the stocks.

This morning was opened with a warm greetings from Adam Khoo. He is so friendly, sometimes funny, and so on fire 🔥🔥🔥 HEHE i also love the way he shared his knowledge to us. It's understandable, and i enjoyed it. He already become a reach person since he was 26 years old. He told us that he already started a business when he was 16. He learnt business from his aunt. Then he got married when he was 23.

Something new i learnt from Adam is about passive income and how to buy/sell the stock. 

Income is divided into 2 types, passive and active income. 

Active income is income that you got based on the time you give, for example salary. The more you give your time for working, the more salary will you get. 

Passive income is income that you got by  no need to giving your time. For example investment. 

I also learnt about wealth. How many month that we can stop working but we can still alive. Here is the formula :) 

W =  : (expenses-passive income)

Then i was also introduced with stock. When the stock is starting to going up you have to buy and when it starting to  going down you have to sell. If you follow this step, you can have a money returned!!!

He really inspires me. I learnt a lesson that become a reach people is not only working working aaaand working. We also can have a passive income that money is coming to us without giving a really hard work. You just need a strategy :) 

Thank you Adam Khoo

After his presentation. We had a break about 1hr. Then continued with the next speakers, Mario.

He also inspires me :)

So glad that i had an opportunity to meet them. Alhamdulillah :)

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