graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Monday 30 September 2013

Introduction to Typography (week 12)

Thursday, september 26th 2013

Today we didn't have typo class with ms Uma because ms Uma let us to finish our  Jakarta mock-up. But i showed her my work.

At the first time i want to use infraboard to keep it stands. But i taught it would destroyed the estetic. 

Then i started to think. Tada! I use the not used paper.

And they can stand like this

I made the real size one.
I will show you the step when i made the March one. Its just the same with the other month step:

I made the shape first

Starting to cut it

Starting to make the M letter from Batak ornament.

Also make the line for the date. It will easier to write

Rewrite it with the spidol.

Colour it with colour pencil

Stick the picture!


The final one:

Close up:

After that we went to ms Uma's desk and listening her advice. Ms uma said that she likes my March. So i decided to make the 6 month calender with March layout.

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