graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Friday 20 September 2013

Far-Far Away Kingdom: Surya Palacejaya

Wednesday, september 19th 2013

Today i went to surya palacejaya for searching some papers. Cause people said that is the palace of paper, so complete, and has a good quality. So i need to have some observation and proved their words. Well its OK if it's so far away, cause my granma was searching for some boxes (cardboard) in Thamrin. 

After that i went to surya palacejaya. Beccause of that was my first time, i use Google Maps then. HAHA at that time, i was so thankful to the technology :) 
A bit traffic
Yes!!! Just arrived

Its a huge place of papers. And there are many kind of papersss!!! And the price is not to expensive. They also gave me the samples.
I got 3 papers (70x100cm) its not to expensive rite???
Papers inside

The samples 

Well, people words is proved to be true ;) 

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