graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Thursday 19 September 2013

Intro to Typo week 11

Tuesday, september 17th 2013

I tried to visit toko kemenangan because i 've to observe some paper. But i'm quiet dissapointed because when i arrived at Toko Kemenangan Mampang Prapatan, the place is small and choices of the paper were not complete. But i tried to buy buffalo paper:

After that i went to sequis then having a lunch with Berta at CINB Niaga 's food court and found this supppper cute brand new Teh Botol packaging :3

Today ms uma asked us to do a presentation about our progress in making the calendar. I've made the actual size and the layout.

Then i received some advice, ms uma said that i've to think about the packaging, make the layout neater, and correct the image. 
Typeface that i've decided.

And based on the typefaces that i've downloaded, ms uma chose Gill Sans and Georgia, and i've to combine them.

And i also have printed ulos article

Ohya! I've to change the word on the calendar. I wrote the month without the front letter like i didn't write january, but i wrote anuary. HEHE 

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