graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Thursday 19 September 2013

Another Tenses (ViAD week 11)

Wednesday, september 18th 2013

Oh well i was a bit late because my mom was trapped on traffic in Lenteng Agung (because of this: ) and while waiting for the taxi, suddenly the fogging man was arrived!! I was panic because me and Lingling (the cat) was still inside the house whereas the fogging was already in front of the house. I was confused in choosing wether me and lingling have to wait on the back part of the house or running to the outside of the house and facing the fog. So i decided the second choice. Then i gave lingling to grandma near the park, carried lingling that so heaaavyyy (ofcourse, because of her weight around 5kg :( )

The taxi was arrived, and ciao!

Today i do this tension. How to make a balance format from 3 squares and 1/2/3 red dots. Sir em said that red is a very strong colour.

Oopsie, Lingling destroyed everything

Yap here is it!

And then sir Em gave us homework.

Its a bit abstrak, and he gave us the examples:

After that we were having a QC about the book. Decided the page. And he said that next week the book is fixed + the image + the material + the poster!!

For example like this:

Ohya! I found a good book with good layouts. it's ORIS university brochure:

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