graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Thursday 12 September 2013

Intro to Typo (week 8, 9, 10)

Week 8: tuesday, august 27th 2013

Today we showed ms uma our map of indonesia because we want to make a calendar about indonesia:

But she told us that we have to be more specific. What things in indonesia did we want to be our theme for the calendar. Is it the ethnicity? Or the architecture? Animal? Food? Music instrument? Etc. so we decided to choose ethnicity as the theme. Mine is Batak. Why i choose batak. Because I'm curious about Batak's philosophy. Why they can have a really good family relationship? And i was soooo interested of Kain Ulos!!! It's a beutiful fabric from batak. Batak also unique and has a characteristic in its ornemt, language, and many more. So i made a mind map about batak ;-)

First of all i create this:

Then i made the mind map:

I also made the new poster:

Week 9: tueday, september 3rd 2013

Ms uma was absent today but i've shown her my layout sketches and some options of calendar shape.

Ms uma has chosen the good layouts and design that i have to explore (the check list one)

Week10: tuesday, september 10th 2013

At the first time, i want to make a wall calendar like this. I chose the ornament as the calendar shape because batak has a unique ornament. So i made the miniature.

But i think its not works well. Because it looks messy.

Sudennly a good idea (haha my opinion  :-p) appears in my head HA HA. I changed it into the desk calendar!!! Yay then i made the miniature

Hehe i made a calendar like this because Batak people has a strong family relationship so i made side by side. And i have asked ms uma and she likes my idea.

HI HI :)

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