graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Thursday 2 January 2014

Studio Photography: Practice

Monday, 9 December 2013

As the theory I've learned, then it's time to make it real and have some practice. 

1. Portrait Photography
a. Specular Light
I chose traditional javanese as the theme. So, I complete the property with Kue Tampah (traditional cake). I also asked Berta to use white kebaya (because it represents calm and traditional). I edited the photo with adding sepia filter. Berta's pose is also calm and ayu (javanese language means beautiful). Specular light also gives a dramatic feeling.

I tried to use honey comb, so it looks more focus and dramatic:

b. Diffuse Light
I chose floral garden tea time theme. I applied a depth of field effect so it feels like peeking from the garden. I prepared macaroon and teapot for the property.

2. Object Photography
I chose food as the theme.
a. Specular Light

b. Diffuse Light
Kue Tampah, traditional cake from Indonesia.

thank you :-)

behind the scene :-p :-p

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