graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Thursday 2 January 2014

Finalisation on Self Portrait and Intro to InDesign

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

I've made 5 sketches of my self portrait:

Then sir Em decided the 3rd one (as the best one). But I've to modified it. I've to rotate it into portrait (since it's self portrait). And I've to make the hierarchy looks good. The pink flowers's colour (the background) is too strong. then ta-da! the final result:

Then we have some intro to InDesign:
1. The difference between facing pages and non-facing pages
non-facing paper
take a look to the pages box to see the different
facing paper
take a look to the pages box.
 2. To edit the document pages

 3. To create the guides (grid)

go to Layout > Create Guides
 4. To create the text

5. To create the grids
I think, it's better to use guides than grids because for me it's to confusing and too much.

6. To test some text
without the guides

7. To place the image

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