graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Thursday 2 January 2014

Mini Exercise of Self Portrait

Wednesday, 11 December 2012

I've made my moodboard of me :-D

Today we have a mini exercise about our self portrait. First of all sir Em gave us some example of Image Manipulation Techniques. There're collage, photomontage, and juxtaposition.

Collage is a creative technique that allows the inclusion of many different objects to form a design. 

Photomontage is a technique that allows whereby two or more images are combine to create a composite. This might be used to group together different image elements that might not naturally and simultaneously exist.

Juxtaposition is the placement of contrasting images side by side. With regards to image placement, 
juxtaposition may be used to present two or more visual ideas so as to impart a relationship between them. 

And tada, here's mine:

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