graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Friday 20 December 2013

Studio Photography

Friday, 29 November 2013

Hi! Today is the midterm, so sir Pongky checked our visual diary and our last week assignments: 1) interior and exterior photography 2) screen based project

After that, we studied about...

Studio Photography

  • Light
    • Light source is divided into two types: natural and artificial light
Natural light

Artificial light
  • Artificial Light Unit:
    • Continuous light unit
    • Flash light unit
  • Lighting Character
    • Specular/Hard Light
    • Diffused/Soft Light
Then we tried to prove the different result with different shutter speed. The fastest the speed is, the darker the image result. Because the camera is already closed the shutter first before the camera absorb the light.

and we also tried to understand the different between deffuse and specular light by using the reflector (I used white styrofoam as the reflector):
Diffuse light not using reflector
Diffuse light by using reflector
Specular light not using reflector
Specular light by using reflector
To use reflector just direct the styrofoam to the side that need a light. From my photos above I know that the different between diffuse and specular light are diffuse light is more soft and specular light is more to straight forward light. The parable is, diffuse light is like the sun light with cloudy weather and specular light is like the sun light with clear sky and no cloud.

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