graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Wednesday 4 December 2013

Adobe Photoshop (pt. 2)

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Today, sir Em was discussing our homework and taught us the steps and here is it:
tips for making the quick selection
do = zooming with zoom tool (cmd + +) and combine it with computer screen zoom (control + two fingers scrolling)
don't = zoom with zoom tool to much, because it makes the picture pixelated
make it looks natural, too much is not good :)
To make it looks like camera effect (the object on the front focus, and the background is blur) follow this steps!
You can edit it and make it looks more interesting 
Try another background ;-)

Stamp Tool
After that we learned about something new! How to use the stamp tool. Stamp tool makes the "distracting" image disappear.
Select the image that you want to edit using pen tool 
Double click the path and it will appears the selection
Using the stamp tool, delete the distracting image. 
Tada! the glass looks there is no the other glass behind this glass
Then we tried to edit using another image
Using the adjustment tool > levels, make it looks more contrast so it's easier to make the selection 
Put the pumpkin juice picture and do not panic if the juice looks black and white. Just click Image > Mode > RGB Color 
Make the background! Mine using gradient
I want to change the man's hat style by using this red wooden wall, so select the image then copy it
you also have to select the hat area. click Edit > Paste Special > Paste Into

Another stamp tool exercise:

The use of liquify in photoshop is click here, di or looks more nice, so open the file:
Click Filter > Liquify
It will appears like this (Before)
I want to tidy up his clothe so i use that tool
It looks tidier
I used another tool, pucker tool.
I made the man's face looks like a naughty old man :( 
Hihi I also use the stamp tool to grow the man's hair :P

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