graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Friday 31 January 2014

Stationaries, Brochure, Banner, and Poster for Yogyakarta

1. Business Card
For the first time, I want to put some of yogyakarta's landmarks into my business card
But later on I tried to make it interesting by only using its logo

The colour schemes of my logo

I was trying to put the text to my business card

Some of the options for the front side of the business card

Layout for the back side

front and back

Some of colour options for the back side

My business card!!! :-D

How to Make a Logo?

Ideas Generation Class

Hi guys! Now I'll show you some steps to make a logo.

First of all, sir Reza asked us to choose 2 of the city that he has written on the whiteboard. Then, I chose Yogyakarta and Lombok. But after doing some researches, I found it that I really curious about Yogya. And Yogya has more interesting things rather than Lombok. Lombok's sources also minimum.

I chose Yogyakarta as my logo because I really in love with that city. It's like a traditional place in modernisation era. The people also warm hearted and consistent in keeping its traditions. Yogya is also awesome place. Not just the traditions, the city also has a limitless places that we have to see and visit! And the last, fyi I'm from Yogyakarta :-P HAHA it's not important. I just wanna know my homeland wells. Like Indonesian's maxim said:
"Tak kenal maka tak sayang.."
  Well It's not easy guys! Check it out

1. Research
Research and trying to know the history, the background, social life, and everything about your place.
- Lombok

- Yogyakarta

My sources of Yogyakarta
I also saved some images of Yogyakarta's Batik
And I make the sketch of Yogyakarta's batik on my visual diary

2. Write the Important points of your research on visual diary to make it easier
- Lombok

- Yogyakarta

3. Give some keywords for your city
- Limitless adventure
means yogyakarta has so many places to see and visit. Places from the top of the mountain until the bottom of the sea are beautiful, exotic, and has a historical story.
- Fusion
means the people are still merge together. Between yogyakarta's people and the immigrants are still merge together. 
- Culinary
means yogya has many tasty food and drinks

4. Make the moodboad
"Limitless adventure"

"Thousand of taste"
The advice

5. Starting to sketch the logo, category by category:
The green coloured one represented mountain and the blue one is the sea 

The selected Logo

6. Try some materials

For the fusion logo, i tried some colours from water-colour. Why I chose water-colour because I think it represented traditional. Why traditional? Because I think  we can see it on the brush's stories and the texture of the image
Brown represented traditional and Pink represented modern. And they were fused on one point.

7. Go digital! Scan the selected logo and matched it with the typeface
try some typefaces

The selected typeface 

 8. Based on the selected logo, sir Reza chose some of the logo and asked me to try it in digital.

The chosen one between the other
Color trial 

 9. I tried to make it with water-colour and edited it on Photoshop

I made the shape then I was making the logo on Photoshop and InDesign

After I edited the logo:

10. Mix and match with the selected typeface:

11. And finally, the logo is done! But we've to make it better
the selected typeface is Baskerville

Try some colours
Try some placements
Give the tagline and the winner is! "the limitless place"

I redecorate the typeface

tada! and then i chose the last one as my typefac