graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Wednesday 2 October 2013

Viscom in Art and Design: Book of Me and My Dreams (Final week!)

Wednesday, october 2nd 2013

Yaaay today was the last day!! Today i presented about my book and the poster. Its about places to travel. The title is "5 Ways to Say Cheese". Why i chose this title? Because in every places, i want to take a photo/selfie with people there.

Places that i want to travel are manado, new york, positano, santorini, egypt, and saudi arabia (for umrah).

Sir Em accepted my book. Sir Em's advice are:
• i've to be consistant in colour, for example the saudi arabia part is good cause its consistant.
• the poster is less interesting than the book. Sir Em likes the way i put the book's title. So i'll apply it to my poster also. I'll still using the silhouette that divided into 6 parts. For the background, i'll use blue.
Sir Em note for me

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