graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Wednesday 2 October 2013

FGD Expo 2013

On friday, september 27th 2013, me and berta went to fgd expo 2013. The ticket price is 50k. Its include the id card and cd. You can see some printing companies and paper companies.
the ticket
The huge printer!
Unique semiotic for restroom
Picture that made from dots
Loving the EARTH typeface.
Tunnel booook!

We also played the game from one of the company there. Hahaha because of the mc pushed us to join the game. The game was about making the crepes box. Btw i won the game!!! Heheheh they gave me a present, its a big wallet. Berta also got it!.
Me and berta after the game 

What we've got

Not only that, we also got soooo much information about printing and paper (like surya palacejaya and pentamapan). They gave us some paper samples! Wiiii sooo happy! 
Paper samples from surya palace
They also gave us some examples such as post card...
...Greeting card... mark and premium coaster board

This are from pentamapan cemerlang.

Such a great chance to be there, lucky me! 😊😊

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