graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Wednesday 2 October 2013

TRAX Youth Greeneration: Jakarta Mock Up

Its soooooo hard to make a huge mock up of jakarta. First you have to make the sketch, then buy the materials needed (especially we've to make the TetraPak empty). So its been a hectic week.

Wednesday, september 25th 2013
I was trying to decorate the house for the elite mansion. I was adding some plants and trees.

Loving berta's tree. Its unique.

Berta was trying to make the fence that made from yellow foam.

Just for your information, if you want to buy a big foam, buy it on Pasar Jatinegara. The price is @Rp 35.000 (one huge roll).
Pak rachmad's creative hand. He made the tree from tissue roll. But you have to be careful! Because you need power glue (lem korea) to make the tissue stronger and harder.
 The elite mansion
Poor people's houses.
Trying to arrange the city
Berta trying to make the river using book cover.

Thursday, september 26th 2013
Pak Rachmad helps us in making the flyover

Done with the river and the bridge. We use book cover, plastic, leaf (for the trash).

Started to put the lamps!! Tadaa!!!

When the lamps turned off

Friday, september 27th 2013
Stick 'em up with the best glue ever!!! The power glue (lem korea). We also adding some trees, sidewalks, white line for the road

On the poor people's house, we add some rubbishes from plastic and paper
I tried to make my own car. Ummm not bad ; )

Adding extra figures that made from glue that seems like clay. Or you could use clay.
We also adding infraboards that will distinguish day and night
Sticking the infraboard
Me taking some photos
The view above the mock up
Me with the mock up ; D

FINALLY!!!!! ;D ;D

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