graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Friday 27 February 2015

What is Copy Writing?

What is it?
Writing with a practical purpose. The copywriter aims to inform the reader, persuade them to change their view or encourage them to take action

Niche of copywriting

  • Direct mail
  • Media - above the line
  • Below the line
  • Movie - Broadcasting
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

The Element of Advertising Communication

  • Big idea
  • Brand story
  • Crafting

What makes it a big idea?
  • Can the idea change attitudes, beliefs and behaviours?
  • Open up new ways of seeing and thinking
  • Alter the course of customers, markets, ad companies, and be a "game changer" on a grand scale?
  • It can affects the market

  • How tightly can the ideas be linked to your brand and only your brand
  • The idea behind own ability is: "only from us…only for you"
  • Bad own ability example: "We have the best people"
  • --> because every
  • Have to make a brand own something

  1. Just do it:  Nike
  2. A diamond is forever: DeBeers
  3. Finger licking good: KFC
  4. I'm loving it: McD
  5. What happens here, stays here: LasVegas
  6. Impossible is nothing: Adidas
  7. Think different: Apple
  8. Apapun makanannya, minumnya... : Teh Botol Sosro

  • When marketers remove the excess and simplify, intuitivenessm clarity  and "i get it" factor emerge
  • Today audiences have more choices tan ever, s don't risk confusing them…

  • Humans are intrigue with something novel, unique and original
  • Capture attention
  • Brand marketers questioning…

  • Cousin of originality
  • Makes people feels special
  • Video: push to add drama

  • Magnetic ideas have an allure or an attraction that pulls people toward them.
  • Be attuned to customers' reaction
  • For example they make nike run, because it can be relate to people's activity
    • What do they gravitate to in the society
    • What words or phrases catch their attention
    • What topics are generating discussion…

  • Big ideas that makes you difficult to forget

  • You spread it to people
Infectious to contagious

  • Today I don't feel like doing....
  • Cause I am a champion...
  • Never mind I'll find...


  • People have an innate interest and fascination with themselves
  • What kind of reward that actually we get
  • "What's in it for me?"

  • Effectiveness 
  • You like the ad because of Raisa, because sometimes you give attention more to the odel than the product
  • Big ideas: Every woman is beautiful
  • Type of big idea:
    • Transformation
    • Simplicity
    • Originality
    • Likeability
    • Others…

The Process in Creative
  1. Info gathering
  2. Research
  3. The big idea
  4. Concept
  5. Design
  6. Implement
  7. Refine
  8. A-HA moment
  9. Start over

Ads that we watch

EX01 Review "non blinking woman"
Group with Kezia Tanasale
Big idea: The chocolate is the most delicious chocolate
Own-ability: because only that chocolate that would make the non-blinking woman blinks
Originality: because it can grabs people attention about the non-blinking woman, it's like something rare.
Surprise: because it's quiet funny that the woman wants to make a record by not blinking
Contagiousness: You spread it to people

EX02 Donating blood target: university students
Group with Kezia Tanasale

  1. We have to make the people thinks that imagine if someday the person that need the blood can become someone that can give a change to the world, make the world a better place
  2. Analogy if you in their position. You cannot reach your dream, you cannot hang out with your friends.
  3. Everybody deserve a happiness. Now you are comfortable with your life but there are some people who are not lucky enough as you.
  4. A proud feeling when you see someone is success because of your help
  5. Donating your blood is not that bad rather than the one who needs it. Because the hurt feeling is incomparable with what they felt. So, go help them.
  6. Follow your heart. Don't get influenced by others comment/perception about "donating blood is hurt"

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