graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Monday 27 October 2014

Introduction to Flash and Some Exercises

Thursday, October 23rd 2014

Say hi to Adobe Flash! We met a new software today. And we have some introduction of Flash.

  • Script: is a programming languace
  • There are 5 main elements: Stage, Properties, Library, Tools, and Timeline
It will appear like this when you open Flash

Properties is showing everything that active on the stage.

Changing into Flash Player 10.3 to make everyone be able to see

We also can change the stage's colour

FPS = Frame per second

Timeline is consist of layers
The different between layer in Photoshop and Flash are...
Photoshop = 1 layer, 1 frame
Flash = 1 layer, infinite frames

Library is the collection of some objects that have been imported/made 
2 ways to create an object to Library:


The object is done! 

If you already make it to the library, you don't have to worry because library still has the object.
You can drag the object from the library. 
Click New Symbol on the button

Make the symbol

It won't appear on your screen but you can drag it!
 First try!


Final result!

Create a new file, don't forget to change the frame rate.

Make the text, and break apart.

It appears some layers after you click distribute to layers.

Make each letter become one symbol

Make a duration. The challenge is each letter will appear after 5 frames!

I made it more playful by changing the stage colour :)
Let's make it more interesting by having the Motion Tween!

Instert the Key Frame by pressing F6

I want to make it moving down so just simply dragging the U.

I try another motion. This time, I want the U starts on the top and ends on the middle. So, on the first keyframe, I drag the U to the top.

Motion tween is not only by changing the placement. You can also make a change on colour, rotation, size, and many more.

EXERCISE 2: Bouncing Ball

You can adjust the arc by using Convert Anchor Point Tool

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