graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Monday 27 October 2014

Advertising Introduction (Week 1 and 2)

Wednesday, October 15th 2014

Today is the first day of the 5th term. What we do is just some introduction about Art Direction world.

SO! What is art direction?
Art direction basically is directing the project.

There are 5 types of agency:

  1. Full Service Advertising Agency
  2. Branding Agency
  3. In-House Agency
  4. Graphic House
  5. Digital Promotion Agecy

Hierarchy in Advertising Agency

Wednesday, October 22nd 2013

So we started to think about what project will me made. The project is about Indonesian Culture and Heritage.

First, I made a mindmap about the topic:

Then I started to list up some projects:

And today's new lesson is about..

Here's the class notes:

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