graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Tuesday 28 October 2014

Combining Vector and Raster

Friday, October 24th 2014

Today we learnt to combine vector and raster. We used 2 applications, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. The exercise is to make a desktop background.

Make the characters on Adobe Illustrator

To make it more decorative, you can fill it with the available patterns 

Change the Canvas Size into desktop size

Don't forget to convert to smart object

Copy the characters from Adobe Illustrator and Paste it on Adobe Photoshop. Then it will appear this options. Choose Paste as Smart Object

Place the characters

To delete the leg, click add vector mask

It looks more natural if the leg is gone because it's like walking through the grass

Give a depth to make it more realistic by adjusting the brightness and contrast

Create a layer and Paste in Place

The picture will become one unity (one layer)

Make it as a smart object

Give some Blur filter

Field Blur

Iris Blur


You can add an extra. For example a Lens Flare to make it more dramatic

Or maybe a vignetting effect by adding Gradient Fill

After that, select the entire canvas and do a copy merge!

Create a new file 

After done with this exercise, we moved to another thing which is preparing the next assignment. So, we will make a character design that represent ourself. To have another point of view, I made something like survey about what others think about me. And here's the analogy.

Start with this sentence "If I were a _____ I am a _____"

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