graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Friday 8 August 2014


I got a team of 4, they are Kezia, Oliv, and Damaz. Based on the lottery, we got Sea World! So we have to make a Seaworld, and create the identity and things needed (like signage, animal info, etc).

So we got a name for the zoo, it's Wazoo!!
Wazoo is as simple as from Water Zoo. and this is the creative brief:


These are the process:

Why we chose that typeface for the logo is to represent kids. Kids love something simpler and that typeface are based from basic shapes.

Some logo applications 

The other animal

Style options for the ticket. There will be animal fun fact on the ticket. 
this is for the adult ones

The final ones 

We use darker colours for the adult ticket to differentiate with the child ticket
Some options.. 
The final ones


Animal trivia

Animal information

The map!

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