graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Friday 8 August 2014

PDI Project

So we have 4 options of Indonesia's place, those are Sigi, Tambora, Maluku, and Palu. Sigi and Tambora is the priority.

10 projects:

  1. Wear it, Share it! : Share your photo using Maluku's traditional clothes on the social media.
  2. Maluku Traditional Food Fest: Selling Maluku's traditional food and give the information about the food (fun fact)
  3. Maluku Music Festival: Play today's hits song using Maluku's traditional music instrument
  4. Maluku Song Festival: Music competition by playing Maluku's song
  5. Maluku Song Festival (2nd option): Concert of some popular band playing Maluku's song
  6. Maluku Song Festival (3rd option): Playing Maluku's song using its traditional music instruments
  7. Maluku Traditional Game Competition: traditional game competition
  8. Smile for Maluku: Photography exhibition from Maluku's poor people, the photos are to motivate people to run their life with spirit and for donation
  9. I am Ambon: Something like survival game, there will be some missions to finish this game
  10. Cooking Competition: Maluku food cooking competition

At the first time, I chose Maluku, but it changed into Tambora because its the priority. After some feedbacks from lecturer and friends, I decided the survival game because people could learn Tambora's culture with fun.

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