graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Friday 8 August 2014

Jangga Hatuen Bulan

The assignment is to promote our own theatre musical by using Indonesia's folklore. It was a group project. Me and Risqul started to search some stories and we got Jangga Hatuen Bulan for this assignment.

WHY we chose that story. Basically because of its interesting story. The story is not like the ordinary story which has a happy ending. The story has some conflicts, not only a straight forward story. And it's not a mainstream story that people have already known like Malin Kundang, Bawang Merah Bawang Putih, etc.

It's a story from central Kalimantan.

Click Jangga Hatuen Bulan to see the full story

These are the sketches for the logo:

We have some name options:
  • Berburu
  • Rembulan Pergi
  • Tak Kembali
  • Separate Universe
  • Realm of Two Spirits
  • Moon
  • Watchers of The Moon
  • Two Spirits
  • Distant World
  • Spirits
  • Distant Spirit
  • Ruh Sepeseta
  • 384.400 Km
  • Pungguk Merindukan Bulan
From the Dayak language:
  • Sadingen: Dingin
  • Maja: Bertamu
  • Mananjung: Jalan
  • Due: 2
  • Eka: Tempat
  • Pahari: Saudara
  • Ngiwa: Bawah
  • Bana Sawa: Suami Istri
  • Kanauang: Keinginan
  • Tingkap: Rumah
  • Hingka Malem: Tadi malem
  • Dumah: Datang 

So Bana Sawa is the chosen one! We want to sell the conflicts, and the main conflict is conflict from husband and wife.

And finally!

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