graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Friday 8 August 2014

Tambora Survival Game

Creative brief:

After that, I started to make 3 concepts, and the chosen one is GET LOST concept, to make an adventurous feeling and it's like being surrounded with Tambora's culture.

Continued with making the logo, and this is Week 6 Presentation

These are the logo development:
I tried to make the logo from the shapes, but it doesn't look adventurous and looks playful for kids, whereas the target audience is for the teenager.

Placement of the logo (1)

Placement of the logo (2)
Options of the typeface (1)

Options of the typeface (2) 
Options of the typeface (3) 
Options of the typeface (4)

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