graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Friday 22 November 2013

Snap! Snap! @ Taman Menteng

Yay! Today (Sat, 16 November 2013) we're going to Taman Menteng. We're asked to take a picture, the theme is "Basic Deisgn Element". So here's my work:

1. Spot
  • A single element or ‘spot’ can be a strong design tool, allowing for control of the viewer’s eye
  • A Single element of design seldom occurs in isolation
  • It draws attention to itself and away from the surrounding area
  • Any small shape can act as a spot

2. Line
  • In contrast to the spot, paths or linear shapes that can be labeled ‘lines’ are another visual tool which can be incorporated into the photographic image
  • Lines give direction by moving the eye across the picture

3. Pattern
  • Multiple spot, lines or shapes can create a pattern

4. Emphasise
  • Camera angle can emphasize subject
  • Altering perspective, framing, depth of field and lighting are just a few ways emphasis may be applied

5. Balance
  • People know when a picture is in balance
  • By referring geometric symmetry 

6. Contrast of Sharpness
  • Sharpness is immediately noticeable
  • People tend to look first at the sharpest area
  • Depth of field affects sharpness
  • Motion can be photographed either blur or sharp

7. Contrast of Light and Dark
  • Contrast light and dark draws a viewer’s eye
  • Contrasts between two objects maybe more apparent in colour rather in B/W

8. Shape
  • A shape is any defined area
  • Object that are close together can be seen as a single shape
  • In a photograph, a shape is always two-dimensional, but tonal changes across an object can give the illusion of depth

Rule of Third
The guideline proposes that an image should be imagined as divided into nine equal parts by two equally-spaced horizontal lines and two equally-spaced vertical lines, and that important compositional elements should be placed along these line or their intersections. Practice this method to have alternative composition on your image.

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