graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Thursday 7 November 2013

Postage Stamps: Started to Trace The Indonesian Landmarks

Wednesday, November 6th 2013

Hi, good afternoon guys!!!
Yesterday, we started to do our first assignment, the assignment is making the postage stamps that consist of Indonesian Landmarks. The steps are:

1. I was searching for some Indonesian landmarks and stamp design images:

Bedugul Lake, Bali
    Mount Bromo, Malang
    Gedung Sate, Bandung 
    Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK), Bali
    Ampera Bridge, Palembang 
    National Monument (Monas), Jakarta

    Rumah Gadang, Padang
    Rumah Toraja, Toraja

    Tugu Yogya, Yogyakarta
    Candi Borobudur, Magelang
    2. Lets get started! I chose Monas cause it's my first experiment, so I chose the easiest one. Click File > New
    3. Make a postage stamps rectangle (actual size) 20x25mm. Click Rectangle Tool and click on your artwork and it will appear this box:
    4. Make one circle and copy it. After that transform it. Click Object > Transform > Transform Again or Cmd + D
    don't forget to group it after you got 18 circles :)
    5. Copy it (14x18circles)
    6. To make it like the real postage stamps, do this! Go to Windows > Pathfinder
    7. Then click Minus Front
    8. Gr8! Then, start to make the margin, using 17x23mm rectangle
    9. Make it as guides line by clicking View > Make Guides
    10. You could copy it into 4 series.
    11. I tried to put texts by clicking Text Tool on the left column 
    12. Lets start tracing! (Click here to know how to trace)
    I started to try colouring the Monas
    13. I didn't really satisfied with my Monas, so I fixed it. Things that I've fixed were the torch and the shadow.
    I tried to make the Monas' torch
    14. I also changed the Monas' colour hehehe to make it unordinary ;-P. 
    Well, cause I only want that Monas' part, I did this step. So, click your guide line on your artwork, go to View > Guides > Release Guides
    15. Arrange your guide line to front.
    16. DO NOT PANIC! Heheheheh oh ya! make sure that you've grouped your Monas! Then, click your Monas go to Object > Clipping Mask > Make.
    Hihihi! Done with my Monas. I only have to add the texts and..... (to be continued)

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