graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Thursday 7 November 2013

Ideas Generation

Wednesday, October 30th 2013

Today was our first day with sir Reza. Quiet exhausting cause we had 2 classes for today from 12-8.30 pm. But we have 2 days of holiday (Thursday & Friday). Today was only introduction, at the first time, sir Reza asked us to make a moodboard consist of things that we like (so he could know the style of each person). 

Then, sir Reza gave us some option of places in Indonesia for our assignment, such as Yogyakarta, Bandung, Samarinda, Raja Ampat, etc. I choosed Yogyakarta as mine cause: 
  1. I'm from Yogja, but I don't really know well about it, so I want  to find the uniqueness of Yogya. Like pepatah have said "Tak kenal, maka tak sayang" ;-P
  2. Yogya is one and only place that still applying keraton system.
  3. Wanna explore alot inside Yogya!
The second place that I chose was Lombok cause I'm interested to Lombok's fabric, Kain Ikat.

So, I made this:

I still have many things to do and many things to explore more and more :)

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