graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Monday 11 November 2013

Presentation Day

Monday, November 11th 2013

Today was the presentation day!
We presented our favourite photographer and our works on shutter speed effect & DOF.

Favourite Photographer

Shutter Speed
Fast Shutter Speed
I was experimenting on water splash, then I chose orange. This photo was helped by my sister (she's the one who dropped the orange) :-P - Fast Shutter Speed  
Then I asked her to make it higher and the result is better. The splash effect is more beautiful. - Fast Shutter Speed 
Fast Shutter Speed

Slow Shutter Speed
Lando (my dog) was barking - Slow Shutter Speed
Lando was excited to meet my dad - Panning

Depth of Field
Shallow DOF
Deep DOF 
Shallow DOF
Deep DOF
Shallow DOF
Deep DOF 
Shallow DOF
Deep DOF

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