graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Tuesday 27 May 2014

Self Promotion

These are the strategies for people to know me. 

First, I was thinking to make a line sticker. Why? because I think today's era is not far away from the internet. And most of people use their phone everyday. Absolutely for communicating. They communicate thru chat, message, or maybe phone call. The most popular application for chatting is LINE! In my opinion, it is so popular because it provides the stickers that are so expressive and funny. That's why it makes the chat not too cheesy and feel alive! So, I think, if I made that one, people will know me.

The options to make the line sticker are
1. Making the Indonesian character that comes from diverse culture (like Sunda, Java, Batak, Betawi, etc.)
Indonesia has many cultures, and each of them have their own characteristic from the way they speaks and also their faces. 
I am not really good on drawing. It made me not confident enough to do this. I also have to think about the people's feeling because it's related to human's characteristic. I am afraid it could offend their heart.

2. Due my lack ability on drawing, I was thinking to make it only using typography that express the accent of each culture.
For example Betawi is like "Buset daaah" "Iyeee", and Javanese is like "Monggo", "Rapopo", and anything else. 
I also have to think about the people's feeling because it's related to human's characteristic. I am afraid it could offend their heart.

How people will know the sticker?
  • Maybe by sharing it on the social media like facebook, instagram, twitter, and stuffs.
  • Giving the QR code coupon on the coffee shop/gas station every time the people get the bill .
  • Placing the coupon on several places like maybe on the mall's toilet, lift, and waiting places.

  • Sticker is not really important
  • Too complicated. I have to think "Does the coffee shop want to cooperate with you" "Does the mall also want it?"

By the reason of that comments, I made the plan B! The plan is making an emergency kit for the graphic designer. The kit are contains: A5 sketch book, post it, pencil, pen, eraser, tipex, folder, mechanical pencil, mechanical pencil refill, and usb.

  • More useful
  • Simpler (easy but there are more benefits than the line sticker)

But I want to make it more specific. So I decided to make only the stationery!
post it, pencil, pen, eraser, tipex, folder, mechanical pencil, mechanical pencil refill

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