graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Tuesday 25 February 2014

Redesign WWF Newsletter


I want to tell you guys about my newspaper, by the way sorry for the late update :-p :-p here's my newsletter for WWF. But before that I'll show you the steps:

1. Research some example of newsletter

2. Search the newspaper from advertising agency, fonts foundry, non-government organisation (NGO), financial institution (e.g. Bank, Insurance, etc.), and design company.
and what I got was WWF e-Newsletter
I chose November E-news: Polar Bears Waiting at the Edge

3. Make the mood board!

 4. Try to make the newsletter

I made 12 column and 4 rows

Sir Em gave me some advices:
- On printed newsletter, I don't need to show (print) everything that contains link that we have to click. Printed newsletter doesn't need that. For example like twitter, facebook, and others
- "2 or 3 colours are enough"
- the layout must be consistent
- must contain front and back cover
- minimum 8 pages (including the covers)

don't forget to change the image size. the image size supposed to be 150-300 pip if you want to print it.

to reduce the pixelated image, you could add noise by clicking Filter > Noise > Add Noise

5. Then I made this newsletter

I made the logo by tracing with Adobe Illustrator:

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