graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Wednesday 10 July 2013

Intr-o to Typ-o

Tuesday, July 2nd 2013

today we learnt some history of typography in many countries such as french and america. it was an introduction so only the basic. Ms Uma gave us two homeworks.

1st we need to draw our friend, and fill it with some typos about her. so we must have some chit chat, and ask each other "What is your full name?" "What is your favorite food?" "Did you get scared of something?" and here is the result:

first I tried to draw my friend, Berta, and asked her some questions.
then, I tried to decide what typeface that's fit with the words.

finally I've done my work, here is Berta, made of some words 

the detail

the 2nd homework!! Ms Uma asked us to find 5 words on the magazine, then gives some opinion about that word

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