graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Sunday 7 July 2013

1st day of college

Monday. June 24th 2013

We were having Sir Angga Gumay's class about Drawing Technique & Process. Drawing technique is divided into 3 types. (1) Gesture Drawing (2) Line Drawing (3) Contour Drawing. In gesture drawing, you only have to draw the outline about 3-5 seconds. Line drawing, is draw the outline with line. and contour drawing is drawing without seeing your paper, so we only focus on the object. And we only have to draw in one line.

Then we try to draw 10 things in f(x)

After that, we tried to trace an image

And in the end, Sir Angga gave us homeworks

1st about mark making technique

2nd is about 3 types of drawing (Draw 5 objects in your room!)

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