graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Monday 22 September 2014

Diwali: Festival of Light

There are several themes:

  1. Natural Disaster
  2. Football Timeline History
  3. Nation's Culture
  4. Save the Animals
  5. Today's Gadget
I was choosing either nation's culture or save the animals. The reason why I chose Nation's Culture, it always been a fun things to know what's going on the other part of the world. It's like learning other people's life. It's out of my ordinary life. And for save the animals, I really concerned about human's act to the animals. Some of the animal doesn't live freely and happily. They deserve to have this right, like us.

But finally I chose nation's culture! I really curious about some places culture, especially the festivals. I have several options: India and Indonesia (Yogyakarta, Bali, Komodo). Finally I chose India. I really interested on its festival. I had some research of India's culture, and finally choosing Diwali. What interest me at the first time is the pattern that made from some candles, and they put candles everywhere. Such a beautiful view, especially on the night. 

Here's some videos:




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